Monday, December 15, 2008

7:30 A.M.

This is the first album in the Funkyhairman collection. The recording of this album stretched from Los Angeles to Marin California copyright 2006. It evolved as much of the music you will find under this label does. The album takes you on a wake less journey of the Monday morning blues. The piano based tracks are filled with angst and riddled with compassion for the soul. This is one of the first collaborations done with Funkyhairman & CoD now know as Jackie Juke Box (SLiMCHaNcE Productions ).

The album also tells the story of the homeless population in America one of the most appalling attributes of our country here as rich as ours. The song most particularly tackling this dilemma in a humerus manner would be Food (for kitty Colombo). The other in a more spiritual aspect would be 30, that's how old I was homeless, hopeless and sad in Los Angeles. Things are brighter now as they always can be. Don't ever give up!

The album also brings into question the idea of death and rebirth of life. Blackened Eyes is the song about the end. Not Armageddon crazy! Our inevitable one the one we all must face, Yes death. We all must face it sometimes it's best to face it as a beginning to the unknown and to reflect the proper prospective of what is truly important in life.

You can find this album for sale:

7:30 A.M.

You can also here a sneak peak of one of the songs Grey Wolf.

Funkyhairman 7:30 A.M.

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